For a list of preprints 1981 – 1998, click here for a pdf file. If you have questions or are looking for a preprint which is not available from this web page, please contact contact the webmaster . Please note: If you are a SCIPPer, please include, “This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy grant number DE-SC0010107.” or the equivalent, in all publications when appropriate.

Last updated: June 1st, 2022


SCIPP 22/01: P-even, CP-violating Signals in Scalar Mediated Processes, Howard E. Haber, Venus Keus and Rui Santos

SCIPP 22/02: Higgs Anomalies Described by the CP-conserving Flavor-Aligned Two-Higgs-Doublet Model States, Joseph M. Connel, Pedro Ferreira and Howard E. Haber


SCIPP 21/01: Exceptional regions of the 2HDM parameter space, Howard E. Haber and Joao P. Silva


SCIPP 20/03: A natural mechanism for Approximate Higgs alignment in the 2HDM, Andreas Ekstedt, Patrick Draper, and Howard E. Haber

SCIPP 20/02: Obstacles to Constructing de Sitter Space in String Theory, Michael Dine, Jamie A. P. Law-Smith, Shijun Sun, Duncan Wood, and Yan Yu

SCIPP 20/01: Comments on Axions, Domain Walls, and Cosmic Strings, Michael Dine, Nicolas Fernandez, Akshay Ghalsasi and Hiren Patel


SCIPP 19/01: Basis-independent treatment of the C2HDM, Rafael Boto, Tiago V.~Fernandes, Howard E. Haber, Jorge C. Romao and Joao P. Silva.


SCIPP 18/07: Stability, reheating and leptogenesis, Djuna Croon, Nicolas Fernandez, David McKeen and Graham White

SCIPP 18/06: Multi-Higgs doublet models with fermions, Miguel P. Bento, Howard E. Haberb,J. C. Romao, and Joao P. Silva

SCIPP 18/05: Looking for scalar resonances at the LHC, Bohdan Grzadkowski, Howard E. Haber, Odd Magne Ogreid, and Per Osland

SCIPP 18/04: Symmetries and Mass Degeneracies in the Scalar Sector, Howard E. Haber, O.M. Ogreid, P. Osland, and M. N. Rebelo

SCIPP 18/03: Approximate Higgs alignment without decoupling, Howard Haber. Contribution to the Proceedings of the 53th Rencontres de Moriond, QCD Session, 17–24 March 2018.

SCIPP 18/02: Remarks on the Debye Length and the Topological Susceptibilty in Non-Abelian Gauge Theory, M. Dine and Di Xu

SCIPP 18/01: Some Remarks on Anthropic Approaches to the Strong CP Problem, M. Dine, L. Stephenson Haskins, L. Ubaldi, and D. Xu


SCIPP 17/12: Dark Matter Freeze-in Production in Fast-Expanding Universes,Francesco D’Eramo (Dipartimento di Fisica ed Astronomia, Universita di Padova & INFN) Nicolas Fernandez (UCSC, SCIPP) , and Stefano Profumo (UCSC, SCIPP)

SCIPP 17/11: TBA, Howard E. Haber and Laurel Stephenson-Haskins

SCIPP 17/10: Sum rules and unitarity bounds in multi-Higgs doublet models, Miguel P. Bento, Howard E. Haber, J. C. Romao, and Joao P. Silva

SCIPP 17/09: The Impact of Two-Loop Effects on the Scenario of MSSM Higgs Alignment without Decoupling , Howard E. Haber, Sven Heinemeyer, and Tim Stefaniak

SCIPP 17/08: The Not-So-Well Tempered Neutralino, Stefano Profumo, Tim Stefaniak, and Laurel Stephenson-Haskins

SCIPP 17/07: Status of the Charged Higgs Boson in Two Higgs Doublet Models, Alexandre Arbey, Farvah Mahmoudi, Oscar Stål and Tim Stefaniak

SCIPP 17/06: Axions, Instantons, and the Lattice, Michael Dine, Patrick Draper, Laurel Stephenson-Haskins, and Di Xu

SCIPP 17/05: On the Completeness of Vector Portal Theories: New Insights into the Dark Sector and Interplay with Higgs Physics, Yanou Cui, and Francesco D’Eramo

SCIPP 17/04: Saxion Cosmology for Thermalized Gravitino Dark Matter, Raymond T. Co, Francesco D’Eramo, Lawrence J. Hall, and Keisuke Harigaya

SCIPP 17/03: The Waning of the WIMP? A Review of Models, Searches, and Constraints, and Stefano Profumo

SCIPP 17/02: When the Universe Expands Too Fast: Relentless Dark Matter,Francesco D’Eramo, Nicolas Fernandez, and Stefano Profumo

SCIPP 17/01: Probing Leptophilic Dark Sectors with Hadronic Processes,Francesco D’Eramo, Bradley J. Kavanagh, and Paolo Panci

SCIPP 17/00: High scale flavor alignment in two-Higgs doublet models and its phenomenology, Stefania Gori, Howard E. Haber, and Edward Santos.